1. In which UAS building is your primary workspace located?

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Anderson Building : 0
    Egan Library : 0
    Egan Classroom Wing : 0
    Hendrickson Building : 2
    Hendrickson Annex : 0
    Hendrickson Annex Extension (education) : 0
    Mourant Building : 0
    Natural Sciences Research Lab : 0
    Novatney Building : 1
    Soboleff Building : 2
    Soboleff Annex : 0
    Student Recreation Center : 0
    Technical Education Center : 0
    Whitehead Building : 1
  3.  Which UAS academic unit are you in?

    Valid Missing Mean
    4 2 NA
    School of Arts and Sciences : 2
    School of Career Education : 0
    School of Education : 1
    Egan Library : 0
    School of Management : 1
  5.  How long have you been employed at UAS?  (choose one)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Less than one year : 1
    1-3 years : 1
    4-8 years : 1
    9-12 years : 1
    13 years or more : 2
  7. In thinking about the location of your IDEAL university-assigned workspace, please rank the following according to your personal preference (1=highest)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Proximity to faculty offices
    1 : 1
    2 : 2
    3 : 0
    4 : 2
    5 : 1
    6 : 0
    7 : 0
    8 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Proximity to space for group meetings (e.g. conference room)
    1 : 0
    2 : 1
    3 : 1
    4 : 1
    5 : 0
    6 : 3
    7 : 0
    8 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Close to convenient parking
    1 : 1
    2 : 0
    3 : 0
    4 : 0
    5 : 2
    6 : 2
    7 : 0
    8 : 1
    unranked : 0

    Proximity to other staff members in your department or program
    1 : 2
    2 : 3
    3 : 1
    4 : 0
    5 : 0
    6 : 0
    7 : 0
    8 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Proximity to school leadership (e.g. dean/director)
    1 : 1
    2 : 0
    3 : 1
    4 : 2
    5 : 1
    6 : 1
    7 : 0
    8 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Proximity to areas frequented by students
    1 : 0
    2 : 0
    3 : 0
    4 : 0
    5 : 0
    6 : 0
    7 : 6
    8 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Access to shared resources (e.g. printer/copier, kitchenette)
    1 : 1
    2 : 0
    3 : 3
    4 : 1
    5 : 1
    6 : 0
    7 : 0
    8 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Other (please specify)
    1 : 0
    2 : 0
    3 : 0
    4 : 0
    5 : 1
    6 : 0
    7 : 0
    8 : 1
    unranked : 0

    Selected: ARRAY(0x1541b44)
    Proximity to other relevant departments like Registrar's Office, Financial Aid.
    Selected: ARRAY(0x15475b4)
    A break room with kitchenette in the Soboleff building would be nice.
  9. In thinking about the design of your IDEAL university-assigned workspace, please rank the following according to your personal preferences (1=highest)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Ability to hold a confidential conversation without being overheard
    1 : 1
    2 : 5
    3 : 0
    4 : 0
    5 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Quiet space for focused work
    1 : 1
    2 : 1
    3 : 3
    4 : 1
    5 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Sufficient space for materials or equipment associated with your duties
    1 : 3
    2 : 0
    3 : 2
    4 : 0
    5 : 1
    unranked : 0

    Space for personal file cabinets
    1 : 0
    2 : 0
    3 : 1
    4 : 5
    5 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Other (please specify)
    1 : 1
    2 : 0
    3 : 0
    4 : 0
    5 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Selected: ARRAY(0x1547f54)
    Ability to easily collaborate with others in my unit.
  11. In thinking about the environment of your IDEAL university-assigned workspace, please rank the following according to your personal preferences (1=highest)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Availability of natural light
    1 : 3
    2 : 2
    3 : 1
    4 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Desirable view
    1 : 1
    2 : 1
    3 : 4
    4 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Ability to control temperature
    1 : 1
    2 : 3
    3 : 1
    4 : 1
    unranked : 0

    Other (please specify)
    1 : 1
    2 : 0
    3 : 0
    4 : 0
    unranked : 0

    Selected: ARRAY(0x1549094)
    Ability to collaborate with others.  If the temperature of the building works appropriately, I would not have to control it.
  13.  What type of workspace do you currently have? (choose one)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Private office : 2
    Shared office : 0
    Cubicle with a door : 0
    Cubicle without a door : 4
    Desk in an open office : 0
    Other (please specify) : 0
  15.  Which of the following qualities does your current workspace have? (check as many as apply)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Proximity to faculty offices : 4
    Proximity to space for group meetings (e.g. conference room) : 2
    Close to convenient parking : 4
    Proximity to other staff members in your department or program : 5
    Proximity to school leadership (e.g. dean/director) : 4
    Proximity to areas frequented by students : 2
    Access to shared resources (e.g. printer/copier, kitchenette) : 6
    Ability to hold a confidential conversation without being overheard : 2
    Quiet space for focused work : 2
    Sufficient space for materials or equipment associated with your duties : 5
    Space for personal file cabinets : 3
    Availibility of natural light : 4
    Desirable view : 3
    Ability to control temperature : 1
    Other (please specify) : 2
    It is nice and spacious. Decorated with plants and pictures to my liking. I have a great waiting area for students in front of my office.  
    Window that opens. Not all of my file cabinets fit into my cubicle.
  17.  How satisfied are you with your current workspace? (choose one)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Very satisfied : 1
    Somewhat satisfied : 3
    Neutral : 1
    Somewhat dissatisfied : 0
    Very dissatisfied : 1
    Selected: Neutral
    The space wouldn't be bad if people who are frequently on conference calls or have meetings have more of their own space instead of being in a shared one.
    Selected: Very satisfied
    The only thing left to be desired is natural light.
    Selected: Somewhat satisfied
    My work group is fragmented.  Would love to be more co-located.
  19.  How much of the time you are in your office do you spend meeting face to face with students and/or faculty? (choose one)

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Less than 20% : 2
    20-40% : 2
    40-60% : 1
    60-80% : 0
    80-100% : 1
    Selected: Less than 20%
    Not the focus of my job.
  21.  The quality that I like MOST about my current workspace is:

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    Large Windows
    I have sufficient desk space for what I need.
    windows that open
    It is a private office which enables me to do concentrated work or behind closed doors and is conveniently located in the middle of the department with all other offices (faculty other staff and leadership in close proximity!  
    The set up of my cubicle.
    Easy to collaborate.  Nice view with lots of light.  I've been in it forever.
  23.  The quality that I like LEAST about my current workspace is:

    Valid Missing Mean
    6 0 NA
    No privacy
    Loud coworkers in the shared space. You can't escape the sound when you need to.
    No access to natural light. It is located in the center of the building with no window.
    I'm not have a confidential conversation without being overheard.
    Not well laid out in terms of use of the space.  Not near certain key members of my team.
  25.  What ONE THING would make your current workspace more inviting and appealing?

    Valid Missing Mean
    5 1 NA
    More of an open space that isn't divided by tall cubicle walls. I'm the only one in my space that faces towards the door. Everyone else has their back to the door which seems like it is not very inviting to people entering the office.
    Little windows for additional light?
    Being able to have a confidential conversation without being overheard.
    A sink. (shared, of course)
  27.  What ONE THING would make the overall campus workplace setting more inviting--a place that you'd like to spend more time with colleagues and students?

    Valid Missing Mean
    5 1 NA
    Not sure
    meeting spaces
    We use the conference room for breaks and gatherings. If the cafeteria was better and looked nicer, maybe we would actually leave the department for lunch breaks.  
    Being able to have a confidential conversation without being overheard.
    More collaborative spaces.
  29.  What other comments do you have about improving uas work spaces and the overall UAS work place environment?

    Valid Missing Mean
    3 3 NA
    Departments shouldn't be so split up. Appropriate positions should be grouped together in a space if space needs to be utilized more efficiently (i.e. admin staff in an open area with faculty and advisers in a place with a closeable door/more soundproof.
    If cubicle environments are unavoidable, it would be helpful if the spaces were shared by those having similar functions, such as administrative staff with other administrative staff, and adjuncts with other adjuncts.
    Faculty need to have offices not cubicles in order to maintain FERPA requirements.

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